Looking Back on January 2021


 Ah 2021! I have been looking forward to you. Last year was a year of  celebrations we can only hope that we can get back to celebrating with our friends and families. But for the time being I will continue to celebration alone.

Jan 2nd – Science Fiction Day & World Introvert Day

I have to say that this is one of my favorite combo days. There are only a few days that have multiple celebrations that just work together. This is one of them! Though it has been a few year since I read the Foundation series by the amazing Asimov. I think few would disagree that he is most definatly the father of a lot of modern Sci-Fi.

And in combination with World Introvert Day, you could either snuggle up with a book or a movie! I took the day in my stride and watched a couple of movies that I love. Some sci-fi, some not. Whatever you did on this day I hope you enjoyed the combo!

Jan 6th – Apple Tree Day

This will be the second year of my apple tree I have given it a little trim to help it along this year. I only got two apples off it last year and I am hoping that this year is better. Though it is dormant at the moment these are the little apples I got last year.

They were small and sweet so I am hoping for slightly bigger and just as sweet this year. Though that reminds me, I do need to put some mulch down on the roots. Well I guess that’s a weekend job!

There is no specific mention about the founder and the year at which this day has been started to celebrate. It has been started as a celebration day of an apple tree, which is almost two centuries old. Later, this day has become a celebration of Apple itself. It encourages every one of us from around the world to know the importance of apples and their nutritional health benefits. Make your Day filled with fresh apple, apple cider drink, apple cake, and all those foods made of apple. Traditionalists on this holiday will take apple tree cuttings and plant them. Those who don’t have access can plant an apple tree bought from a plant nursery.

Jan 13th – Sticker Day

Stickers can be found everywhere! They are a quick and easy way to label things and to make sure that you know what is in a box. But there are also decorative stickers as well and kids sitckers. My nibbles love stickers and attaching them to anything that moves and things that do move.

National Sticker Day on January 13th recognizes all the ways stickers brighten up a page or send a special message. The day celebrates all things stickers, from the custom printing of them to sharing stickers. Every sticker has a story.

Historians credit the European merchants in the 1880s as the first to stick labels to their products, in an effort to promote their goods and wares to passersby.

These savvy, pre-industrial entrepreneurs used a gum paste to get the labels to adhere and, well, stick: hence “stickers.” By the 1900s a sticker-specific paste had been developed and was widely used, most notably on stamps, which dried and then would re-apply when moistened.

Jan 20th – Cheese Lovers Day

Mmmmm Cheese! I adore cheese! And over the past 12 months I have enjoyed lost of cheese and I now have a list of my go-to ones for what my mood may be. Whether it’s the versatile cheddar cheese or creamy brie, cheese is one of the world’s most delectable delicacies that goes well with many dishes.

With monthly virtually cheese tastings this is what has got me through this past year. With so many varieties and suppliers you really can’t go wrong on Cheese Lovers Day and have your favorite one!

There is no firm evidence of how cheese making was discovered. but legend tells us it was likely by chance that someone created the first cheese. Thousands of years ago, people transported milk and stored it in sheep’s stomachs. Left to sit a few days, the proteins would separate into curds and whey. From there, preserving the solids with salt may have seemed a logical next step. Salt was a highly valued preservative in ancient times.

The earliest record of cheese making dates back to 5,500 BCE in what is now Poland. Today there are over 1,400 varieties of cheese.

Jan 22nd – Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day

Patch has a lot of questions. Well, I say a lot mostly two, “When can I have food?” and “Is it food time now?” I am sure that there are lots of questions that he asks throughout the day but to be honest a lot of them I tend to ignore as it’s mostly complaints.

In Ancient Egypt, cats were more than just friends – they were used for social and religious practices, and considered beloved and holy housepets. Cats were so revered they were mummified with the same dignity as humans. Besides that, many of the Egyptian gods had heads of cats and bodies of humans – you can’t get much closer than that!

While the Ancient Egyptians highly valued cats for their ability to kill venomous snakes, Europeans valued them for their rat and other pest control skills. Cats were passed along by traders from the Romans to the British to the Vikings, where they eventually stamped their passports and headed out to the “New World” with the explorers.

Today, we love cats for so much more than their ability to reduce the rat population – so much so that we dedicate a whole day just to pondering what each meow and purr might mean. By 1993, cats outnumbered dogs as the most popular house pets in the nation, and they’re appreciated today for their curiosity, independence, intelligence – and for all their many, many questions.
